In a recent mayoral proclamation, it was declared that this week will be "Emergency Preparedness Week". 

With this, Mayor Rod Perkins hopes to make sure that everyone has a plan or at the very least the means to receive important situation updates for the region. 

Kindersley itself has one that they almost had to enact a few years back when the wild fires were raging through the region. 

“...We have an emergency readiness plan that I believe we put in effect a few years back, when we had a wildfire that was down by Eatonia and coming up this way.  

So, we set up an evacuation site at the elk's hall and had people come in and check in. Fortunately, it didn’t turn out as bad as it could have, but we were ready and had the game plan in place.” 

Explained Mayor Perkins. 

Tools to help you stay informed and ready include: 

West Central Online App 

Sask Alert App 

Saskatchewan Public Safety Webpage

And local town websites

More information and resources can be found online.