Hundreds gathered at the Rosetown & District Civic Centre to take part in the Reach Out to the Stars Fundraiser event.

There were certain awards that were presented, heartfelt speeches given out, as well as live music entertainment being played in the later parts of the evening.

The event began with a poem about Firefighters presented by Kyla Diebert. It displayed how brave and courageous firefighters are and was really appreciated by the crowd.

Dennis Ogg, Fire Chief of the Rosetown Fire Department, addressed the crowd following the speech and thanked the crowd for attending the event. The entire gymnasium was filled up with close family members, friends and other town members willing to give their thanks and appreciation.

All members of the Rosetown Fire Department got a chance to go up on stage and be recognized for their efforts in the recent months.

Following the firefighters, MLA Jim Reiter for the Rosetown-Elrose constituency and Dennis Ogg, Fire Chief of the Rosetown Fire Department, delivered three awards to three different Firefighters. The awards winners included Ken Booth, Duayne Leys, and Dave Wickett.

After these men accepted their awards for their services, the stage was left to Jason Simpson for his speech about his experience with STARS. Simpson had his life saved due to the STARS organization and wouldn't be alive today without their strong efforts.

One of the final awards and presentations of the night was when Dennis Ogg was given his award for 40 years of service with the Rosetown Fire Department.

We got a chance to speak with Ogg about what his 40 years of service meant to him, and what has motivated him to continue through the long stretch of time.

"It's a whole different family and you just set out on a mission that they all get back and you just can't stop doing it." Ogg said.

The stage was then given to the entertainers for live-music in which capped off an amazing night in which many people won't forget.