Students and staff Elizabeth Middle School were busy last Saturday raising money for the school.

The event, which took place at the West Central Events Centre parking lot, was part of the school's partnership with Kindersley Mainline for the Drive For Your Students event hosted by the dealership. Organizers and volunteers for the event asked residents to test drive a vehicle from the dealership with every test drive donating $20 to the school.

And the residents did not disappoint.

A great number of people arrived to contribute to the fundraiser and help out the students and staff of Elizabeth Middle School. In total, the school collected $4,100 from 205 drives during the afternoon. The school was also accepting more forms until today.

"The money we are receiving for this amazing event is going towards our breakfast program we are hoping to start up," said Emily Knowles, grade 7 teacher of Elizabeth Middle School who was at the event Saturday. "It is as well going towards our field trips in the school."

Another fundraiser which has started up at the school are their bingos. The latest bingo was hosted by the grade 5 students on Friday night. "I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone who came out to the bingo as it was a huge success," mentioned Courtney Hopkins, grade 5 teacher of Elizabeth Middle School. "Our bingos are fundraisers where the money goes towards our field trips."

She added how each grade is hosting a bingo during the school year. The next scheduled bingo fundraiser is set for December which the grade 6 students will host.