The majority of children in West Central Saskatchewan will be starting up their first day of school tomorrow, and schools tend to be a popular environment for head lice to potentially spread among the scalps of students.

Experts are asking parents to keep an eye out for any head lice on their children, and to make sure their children know about the different methods for lice prevention. Lice can easily spread through populated areas such as schools, especially when children are sharing headwear and hair accessories with each other.

Parents have also been warned about head lice becoming more difficult to treat. Studies suggest the new strain of insects have developed better immunity to some treatment methods.

The best way for parents to deal with the scenario of their child(ren) getting hair lice is by simply combing through and checking their hair. Head lice combs can be purchased at almost any store, and are the best way of detecting and removing head lice on the child's scalp.

Head lice are attracted to warm parts of the head including behind the ears and top of the head; these tend to be hotspots for where they lay their eggs as well.

Other ways to prevent head lice include:

  • Using tea tree oil products such as shampoo and conditioners. Tea tree oil works as a deterrent against head lice.
  • Keeping long hair tied up whether in a ponytail, bun or braids.
  • Thoroughly combing through hair on a daily basis.
  • Lice are not attracted to hairspray, dyed hair, or hair gel.
  • Setting the clothes dryer heat on high can help kill the lice and their eggs.