The Town of Kindersley has once again received a four Bloom rating with Communities in Bloom.
Kindersley didn’t compete this year, but the town was still evaluated by the Canadian non-profit organization.

The judges for Communities in Bloom give special mention every year to certain or specific aspects of the community.
This year the judges came to Kindersley this summer and praised the Motherwell Reservoir and the natural heritage in the surrounding area.
The judges also mentioned the excellent volunteers in Kindersley.
Kindersley received the four bloom rating based on the town’s performance in the following six categories.
  • Environmental action,
  • Landscape displays
  • Tidiness
  • Heritage conservation
  • Urban foresty
Kindersley’s strongest category was heritage conservation, scoring a total of 118 out of 150 points for the town’s events, cemetery, and museum.