Fiske and Herschel held their annual Community Carol Festival on Monday and Tuesday. 

The festival features Christmas carols performed by a choir which consists of a combination of members from the Fiske and Herschel area, with a conductor from Saskatoon named Jordan Wiens.

This year also had a unique performance by a choir of kids from Rosetown.

Every year local kids play piano during the festival which is always a highlight.
The program also featured a variety of other Christmas themed performances including stories and readings.
The first performance was at Fiske Hall on Monday, and the second was at Herschel Hall on Tuesday.
Donations were accepted for the annual potluck lunch held in both communities.
The festival had a good attendance for a Monday and Tuesday with around 70 people coming out each night.

Choir member Berny Wiens talked about the festival’s rich history.
The festival has taken place for over half a century, and looks to keep bringing carols to West Central Saskatchewan for years to come.