Practice makes perfect, especially for firefighters.

The Kindersley Fire Department is looking to restock their inventory of passenger vehicles to be used for training purposes. They use the donated cars for regular fire practice, and demonstrations such as the P.A.R.T.Y Program, performing mock emergency scenarios such as extrication. 

Kindersley Fire Chief Jeff Soveran shared on social media at the end of March that they are seeking vehicles with intact, tires, doors, windows, etc. Something like the P.A.R.T.Y program only uses a couple vehicles, as Soveran discussed their need for what is looking to be a busy year ahead.

"We use 20-30 cars throughout the year for training. Just regular training and exercises." said Soveran."We have a fall school coming at the end of September, where 300 students from across the province will come here. We will need another 20 cars for that, for their extrication exercises, fire exercises, and stuff like that."

They are no doubt planning ahead with the fall school coming up, but with the yearly task at hand, the fire department is constantly on the lookout for salvaged cars.

"We could use easily anywhere from 10-20-30 cars, or more in a whole year. There is a big shortage on them right now." said Soveran as salvage, and tow truck yards aren't as full as past years. 

At the time of the conversation Soveran confirmed that seven cars were already on the way, still looking for around 10-20 more. If you have a retired vehicle you think fits the bill, the Kindersley Fire Department wants to hear from you.

"A few dents and stuff like that is just fine, but we have to be able to pull doors, break glass. Set it up as an actual scenario." said Soveran, as extrication isn't quite possible with your average heap of scrap.

They are even willing to pick any donated vehicles up and haul it away from the previous owner.

"We will pick them up, where ever they are in the community, or surrounding area. We will go as far as Kerrobert, Eston, where ever we have to go pick them up, we will pick it up at the address and get them out of the yard." said Soveran for anyone looking to donate.

Soveran, and his team of 30 members total, thanked the public in advance for helping them keep the regular level of fire training they have become accustomed to.