Biggar RCMP had themselves a busy week. The report ending April 8 saw a total of twenty occurrences, including three traffic offence tickets being handed out, with another five warnings.

Headlining the calls, local members were forced to consult with CP Police after damage was done to railroad equipment on Highway #14 near Perdue. The damage came after a 21-year-old driving a new pickup truck attempted to avoid a deer in their path, over-correcting, and eventually taking out the railway crossing and light pole that entered the path.

SGT. Dereck Crozier shared details from the subsequent investigation.

"CP police are estimating damage around $50,000, but the good news is mandatory alcohol screening showed that alcohol was not a factor in this collision."

Biggar Rail crossing fixed.jpg Repairs were made to the site in no-time (Photo courtesy SGT. Crozier)

There was another highway accident during the week involving a deer, a collision near Arlee on Highway 376. Also during the week, a mother from Asquith requested the help of police trying to track down her co-parent, after learning their 11 year old son was allowed to sit in the front seat of the truck. Biggar RCMP and the Child Family Services unit were both contacted regarding the mother's worries.

Police also dealt with reports of fraud by text message in their latest report. Coming out of Sonningdale, an e-transfer of $1800 was sent to the fraudster after they pretended to be someone else.

The report also detailed a pair of mischief calls. Police were able to arrest and charge both a 17-year-old and 20-year-old after they were caught drinking at the outdoor rink in town, and later found to be the ones responsible for damage to Town property. The other mischief report was light on answers, as a vehicle parked along 4 Avenue in Biggar saw damage done to the windshield, also found to have coffee thrown on it as well.

SGT. Crozier ended the report as usual with a topical note. They are reminding folks, and their young ones who are eager to ride their bicycles that they must be careful around normal traffic. 

"I hope that parents are teaching their children proper etiquette and safety when sharing space with pedestrians."