The following are highlights from Kindersley Town Council meeting. This was the last regularly scheduled council meeting for 2016.

Three delegations started the meeting which included the Kindersley Pool Fundraising Committee (KPFC), a representative from Leaf Your Legacy, and the Kindersley Youth Committee.

Jamie Henry, Roxanne Atkinson, and Chantal Benjamin from the KPFC presented their history and progress thus far with raising funds towards a new aquatic centre in the town of Kindersley. Council thanked the ladies for all their work they've done with the community in contributing to a new swimming pool.

Joanne Kosolofski from Leaf Your Legacy Committee presented a review of the last five years with the project. She stated the committee would be interested in contributing to future fundraising efforts if requested. Council inquired about the remaining reserve money from the project and whether donors would consider allowing their donations contribute to the swimming pool project. A document will need to be created by Kosolofski stating council have permission to transfer the reserve money to the aquatic centre reserves if approved by donors.

Members of Kindersley's Youth Committee spoke about their experiences with the group and the number of projects they've worked on during the year. After the presentation, council commended the group for their work in the community and agreed to transfer any remaining balance from the Youth Committee funds to the Fire Hall reserve as a donation.

Other highlights from the meeting:

  • Funds were transferred the remaining funds towards the Main Street traffic lights project to the Machinery and Equipment reserve so replacement of the traffic signals can be completed in 2017. The total amount is $188,115.88.
  • Council and administration supported the application from the Canadian National Railway (CNR) Company for a proposed subdivision in the area. The request is for 4.42 acres of land at the southwest end of Railway Avenue. A condition will be set in place which requests the applicant pays a monetary settlement of $6,630.00, which represents five per cent of the fair market value of the land.
  • Councilors and administration had a lengthy discussion on how to assist the Kindersley Klippers hockey club with their current financial situation. A resolution was drafted to waive the non-prime time ice charges for the team for the remainder of the 2016-2017 regular season, and changed the rate for home games to $900 per game.
  • It was decided the Town of Kindersley will engage in banking services with TD Commercial Banking per their letter of acceptance. Services are now effective and will run until November 30th, 2021.

Council will not meet again for a regular meeting until January 9th, 2017.