Local group The Basement Paintings' most recent album Mystic is in the running for SaskMusic’s top album of the year in Saskatchewan.

The Basement Paintings are a Post Medal band consisting of Calen Mille, Evan Knouse and Paul Hillacre from Kindersley, and Justin Thompson from Eston.

Calen Miller from The Basement Paintings spoke about the band's reaction to the nomination.

Miller believed Mystic received the recognition because of the extra promotion for the album.

The band took eight months preparing for the album’s release in March, and the hard work has paid off.

The album is generally instrumental, but Soft Cotton’s vocalist Mikhaila Anderson from Kindersley sang on a few tracks on the new album, and The Basement Paintings plan to do more work with her in the future.

In order to be eligible, albums needed to be released from November 15th, 2015 to the end of last month, and the bands need to be living in Saskatchewan.

Sunday is the final day to vote for SaskMusic’s top albums of the year, and you can do so by clicking here.

The top 10 albums will be revealed by the end of the year.

The Basement Paintings do not have any shows booked in West Central Saskatchewan in the near future, but are planning to apply to play Grilledcheesapolooza in Kindersley again next year.