Another round of the Provincial Traffic Safety Fund is set to benefit Saskatchewan roads, and their surrounding communities. This government initiative focuses on "different aspects of traffic and pedestrian safety", more than $1.3 million being awarded this time around.  

Of the 55 projects announced, the two local projects on the list are as follows:

Applicant Project Title Amount Approved
Town of Elrose Speed Awareness/Management for Elrose $15,793.00
RM of Snipe Lake No. 259 Intersection Safety for RM of Snipe Lake $16,833.00

With minimum project grants of $1,148, up to a maximum of $100,000, the two local projects were nowhere near the top of the list. Moose Jaw and Weyburn both received $100,000 for projects, the maximum amount of funding municipalities and Indigenous lands or territories can apply for.

"I am thrilled to see communities benefit from the Traffic Safety Fund with projects that will make Saskatchewan streets safer," Minister Responsible for SGI Dustin Duncan said. "I would like to thank those who submitted applications and encourage all municipalities to consider applying for traffic safety projects in their communities."

This twice a year initiative utilizes funds from Photo Speed Enforcement here in Saskatchewan. Applications are currently open for the second and final round of the year, being accepted until September 30, 2024.

"Eligible traffic safety initiatives must focus on one of the following priority areas: speeding, impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, vulnerable road users, medically-at-risk drivers, occupant protection and intersection safety."

For more information, and a full list of the first half of grants, view the full government release HERE.