The Sandhills Boxing Club from Leader will be coming home from Quebec with a medal after representing Saskatchewan in an international open tournament. 

Boxer and Leader local Alex Girardin brought a bronze medal to the club, which is on their last day in the francophone province before the long trip home. According to the club’s head coach, the trip was about much more than just fighting. 

Kenneth Blohm, head coach of the Sandhills Boxing Club ensured a bit of tourism got worked into their schedule. 

“We had two days ahead of time to train in this atmosphere and get used to our surroundings, which has been amazing,” stated Blohm. “We spent so much time doing sightseeing, we got to see Le Chateau Frontenac which is the only castle in Canada. We saw Old City of Quebec and it's just breathtaking.” 

The club brought three boxers to the tournament, but two of them had to deal with flight cancellations and rescheduling, delaying their matches to the later part of the tournament. While it is the end of the season, Coach Blohm is already gearing up for the Brampton Cup in Toronto, along with the Junior Olympics next summer. 

“We have a lot of huge goals and I'm very proud of the work and effort they’ve put in so far, which is really only the tip of the iceberg,” expressed Blohm. “We couldn't be prouder to be able to bring home a medal. Next year, we're looking for gold.”