The Kerrobert Composite School Student Art Show started Monday, giving the grade 5 and 6 students the chance to show off their hard work and imagination to the rest of the community.

Tracey Cholin, chairperson of the Kerrobert Courtroom Gallery is quite impressed with the amount of creativity on display, 

“It's just a great show. They went through the projects that they did during the year and the kids chose what they felt was their best work. There was no set amount that each child could contribute, some brought work from home. Mostly it was projects that they had done through school.” 

Cholin was most impressed with the agamograph drawings done that, when viewed from different angles would display a different picture. 

“if you look at it from the middle, it doesn't really look like anything because it's all mixed up. And then if you look at if you walk over to the left side and you look at it at an angle, you see one picture. And then if you walk over to the right side and look at the other angle. You see the second picture, they are super cool.” 

There will be a reception tonight for the show that will have some of the students’ podcasts playing in the background, which was also part of their workload over the year. 

The art show can be viewed during the regular hours of the Kerrobert Court House.