At the most recent town council meeting in Kindersley, two groups stood before the members, one bringing awareness to a hidden sport in town while another gathered support for the upcoming Chamber of Commerce Trade Show coming up. 

The Kindersley Pickle Ball Club wanted to bring awareness to the sport and the need for a new outdoor facility. With the number of members grows, the current space is limiting. While many ideas were discussed, at the time of reporting Council is continuing to have converstations with the club to come to resolution to the issue. 

Communications Coordinator Anna Polsfut presented the schedule for the Town of Kinderlsey booth that will be at the upcoming Trade Show hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. Councilors signed up for shifts to promote Kindersley, give away promotional material and answer questions from residents and guests. 

Also at the meeting, Mayor Rod Perkins Proclaimed June as Parks and Recreation Month. 

See the full minutes here