Dr. Corinne Schuster-Wallace (PhD) began her five-year term on September 1st, she  holds a BSc (Hons) from Leicester University (Physical Geography) and a PhD from Wilfrid Laurier University (Glacial Hydrometeorology),

She has held several past positions, including senior research fellow, Water and Human Development, at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), research associate in the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, and a water-environment specialist for the Public Health Agency of Canada. 

Schuster-Wallace joined the Department of Geography and Planning in USask’s College of Arts and Science in 2018 as an associate professor leading research in the areas of local water security and health, and water and sustainable development. 

She was also the associate director of the pan-Canadian Global Water Futures (GWF) program since 2019, and consulted to the Provincial Commission of Inquiry (Part II) into the Walkerton, Ont., drinking water tragedy of 2000. 

She says she's excited and proud to move into the new role as executive director at USask's Global Institute for Water Security.

"We represent so many dimensions of water and water-related disciplines in our research, scholarly, and artistic works as well as in our teaching and service. I’m really looking forward to what we can accomplish together to continue to build on a pre-eminent water institute."