
Mandatory 10-digit dialling for local phone calls in Saskatchewan will start on May 11th with the implementation of the new 639 area code, and SaskTel is continuing to encourage its customers to include the area code for all calls ahead of that date.
"Starting on Monday, February 25th, customers that are dialling seven digits when placing local calls may receive a reminder message when they dial the seven digits, indicating that they need to, in the future, dial all 10 digits for local calls," said Tara Tibeau, Manager of External Communications for the Crown Corporation. "The call will still go through, however, as of the May 11th date, no calls when you dial seven digits will be able to go through. You'll get a message at that point indicating that you'll need to redial with the area code included."
Tibeau adds SaskTel has been trying to proactively get their customers into the habit of dialling 10 digits for local calls since it was first announced that Saskatchewan would need a new area code back in November 2011.
"We've readied our network to accomodate 10-digit dialling, so it has been able for people to dial the 10 digits already for over a year now," she said. "As we get closer and closer to the date, we're trying to ramp up the practice, so that it's not a complete shock and also so they start to be mindful that they should also look into updating their other telecommunications equipment that they might have, to ensure that it's going to work as well on that May 11th date when the area code's required."
She notes that public perception has been generally positive for the addition of the new area code, which will be overlaid throughout Saskatchewan and will be used only for new phone numbers.
"The reason why we are adding another area code to the province is because of growth, so that's always a positive indication that we are growing both population-wise and for people wanting phone numbers," Tibeau added. "I think the way the CRTC has chosen to implement this, with an overlay methodology rather than a geographic split, I think that has been perceived quite positively as that means existing customers don't need to change their phone numbers. When you geographically split the province, people north or south of whatever split you've determined will actually have to change their numbers, so by doing the overlay, everyone that has a 306 area code right now will get to keep that, and it's only going to be new numbers that will get the 639."
Tibeau is also encouraging customers to visit online, which will have checklists for both residential and business customers to help them get their equipment ready for the switch to 10-digit dialling.