Age Friendly Rosetown is always looking to improve their community when it comes to accessibility, and recent government funding is helping them do just that.

WestCentralOnline reached out to committee member Carmen Ledding, after Age Friendly was earmarked for $7000 from the provincial government and Sask Seniors Mechanism back in September to "create a comprehensive local services informational booklet" for Rosetown and area.

Conducting a short survey on Rosetowns' social, public information and accessibility concerns was the first step. The group found that physical accessibility for wheelchairs and scooters were a specific problem. A lack of information about service providers for things such as a handyman or snow removal was also noticed.

With the booklet in the stages of being put together, primary information based on their findings will include:

  • local home maintenance services available
  • local housing information
  • government agencies contact info
  • health agencies information
  • local emergency numbers
  • casual health care workers, health service providers
  • social opportunities

Seniors may be top of mind for Age Friendly, but Ledding believes it is beneficial for all residents and fills an information gap to bring peace of mind to everyone. The committee is committed to assisting the entire community.

Ledding described Age Friendly as a volunteer organization that advocates for accessibility, inclusion, information, and social opportunities to improve the quality of life for all Rosetown and area residents, regardless of their age.

The group typically meets once a month, and maintains strong communication with the Town of Rosetown, Saskatchwan Health Authority, and local volunteer organizations like the Rosetown Lions or Rosetown Hospital Foundation. Staying in tune with residents also helps Age Friendly decide on available programs, especially for seniors.

Follow along with the provincial newsletter available for Age Friendly in Saskatchewan. Rosetown is one of several Age Friendly communities in Saskatchewan who regularly review action plans.

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