During the winter months power agencies are bound to see a spike in calls regarding carbon monoxide leaks due to the colder weather.

The low temperatures lead to an increase in the use of gas fired appliances and result in less fresh air entering the home.

Any failure in gas fired appliances like your furnace can lead to CO leaks in the home, making carbon monoxide detectors incredibly important.

Despite agencies like SaskPower stressing the importance of these devices many homes are still without the precautionary device. The typical device costs around $40.

Exposure to the colourless, odorless gas can cause sickness and even death. Symptoms of CO poisoning include flu like symptoms, dizziness, headaches, sore eyes, fatigue and at high levels, loss of motor control which can lead to passing out or vomiting.

To avoid CO poisoning have a carbon monoxide detector installed, have appliances checked yearly by a competent contractor, and check vents regularly to ensure they are clear of ice, dirt and other debris.