Vancouver Police Officer Sargent Dayne Campbell made a quick stop in Kindersley Friday, as he bikes across Canada for an important cause.  

Sgt Campbell has been a major part of the Cops for Cancer Program, but it wasn’t until recently that the cause he was fighting for would become quite personal. His daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. This pushed him to strive for a much higher goal to not only help and raise awareness for all the children touched by this disease, but for his own daughter as well. 

That is why he is now traveling across Canada.

“I decided this year to cycle across Canada because my own daughter was diagnosed with cancer after I completed my 14th year, so that's why I'm doing that.  

"I'm trying to raise funds for the cancer site, but also to raise awareness in the first responder community to help them consider doing something with the Cops for Cancer program.” explained Campbell while taking a quick break at a local gas station.  

His entourage included several RCMP motorcycles who met him on the way to help escort Campbell along his journey. 

Those that want to get involved or would like to know more can visit the Canadian Cancer Society page here or read a comprehensive story here at the Vancouver Police Foundation.