Vastly different from the situation last year, pooled water in local fields hasn't been an uncommon sight this growing season. Recent moisture only added to what's been a wet year for farmers, a welcome sight after a few years of drought. 

With June now washed away, WestCentralOnline was curious about the rainfall totals for the month headed into July. Tyce Masich, Crops Extension Specialist with the Ministry of Agriculture office in Outlook, shared the totals for the west-central area.

"Covers a big area, so there is a lot of variability in precipitation since the beginning of June. Kindersley received about 1.75 inches, Rosetown received about 4.37 inches, and Outlook received about 5.4 inches."

When asked how much of that rain was too much, Masich says it depends.

"It's hard to say." he said, contributing factors being where you are, soil type, drainage ability, and the type of crop being grown.

Basically, if you are seeing water sitting in your fields, and the crop is flooded in low areas, that's typically a sign that you (have to much moisture in your field)."

Statistics from last week's crop report show that topsoil moisture for the region is 95 per cent adequate for crops, and only 2 per cent of cropland considered surplus.

"Again, we are in a pretty good spot as it is in the west-central area when it comes to moisture."

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While farmers may be struggling to evaluate their extra wet fields, it's a great trade compared to a complete flood. Crop insurance as a result of flooding may not be top of the list around here, but Masich says there have already been discussions in other parts of the province.

"From what I have heard, around our area I haven't heard of anyone talking about crop insurance. But it definitely is a thing." shared Masich, pointing to the insurance provider themselves as another main factor. "Their policies when it comes to flood damage, but I am pretty sure there is crop insurance available for excess moisture, flood damage."

Masich pointed to the Hudson Bay, Tisdale area as one exercising those options.

"They are seeing a lot flood crops, and a lot more standing water in crops... The excess moisture situation is a lot worse up there than it is in the west-central region.. so naturally that's where you are going to see more of your insurance claims, in the northeast part of the province, rather than the west-central area where we are." 

Still a case-by-case basis at times, Masich says it never hurts to ask about crop insurance.

"To get a really good idea of whether or not to make an insurance claim, it's always good to reach out to your insurance provider and then they can come do an adjustment. You can work with them from there."

Kindersley and area might need another 100 mm of rain to make that a reality, but what's looking like a warm start to July should start to soak up the situation at hand quite nicely. Check out the upcoming forecast HERE.