Final exams for many schools in West Central Saskatchewan start this week, for Kindersley students the testing begins Thursday June 23rd.

On exam day nerves can be high and stress can take over, which can impact a student's performance during the exam.  To help avoid this here are a few tips to keep you alert and ready when it comes to one of the most dreaded times of year.

Keeping energy high and being well rested is key.  Getting 8 hours of sleep can keep you fresh and ready for the exam.  Avoid cramming the night before to limit the amount of stress when trying to get a good night's sleep.  Exercising and eating healthy can also keep your energy levels up and reduce stress and help you focus later on.

Organize your time; make sure to spend an adequate amount of time on difficult subjects.  Prioritize the tests that will impact the final grade or are more important to you.

Make study cards, and study guides, this will help you with the organization of your studies.  Create these guides as far ahead as possible.  Reduce the clutter of material needed to study as well, focus on the areas that need the most attention.

Take breaks.  Whether it be to snack or clear your mind, experts recommend studying for 50 minutes of an hour and taking the other 10 minutes to relax. 

Engage your brain often to strengthen your memory.  A better memory will increase confidence and motivation to study.

If beneficial study in groups.  People working together can explain advanced subjects, but the group needs to stay on topic to avoid wasting time.  Create practice quizzes that others can quiz you on.

On the day of the exam remember to take your time and read everything carefully, don't let reading mistakes lose you valuable marks, be careful and confident with your answers.

With all that in mind the most important thing to remember is that final exams lead to one of the most stress free times of all, summer vacation.