Teachers once again took to the streets to picket, as the provincewide strike hit Kindersley Wednesday morning.  

This is the second time teachers from the Sun West Teacher’s Association, as WestCentralOnline did a live interview with representative Pam Sawatzky. 

“With our students learning conditions and our working conditions, we feel that we need to put this in a contract. We feel that the government needs to do that to show that we have consistent, predictable funding over the long term, that can't be clawed back if budgets change.  

That's why we're trying to get this over the over the goal line and make it permanent for kids and for our own working conditions. 

We also know that six other provinces have this in their provincial contract with teachers. So, we don't feel as though it's unprecedented and we're here for the kids long term.” 

It is unknown when the provincial government and STF will head back to the bargaining table at the time of the writing of this article.