Yesterday morning, our Golden West Radio Station in Rosetown was visited by two enthusiastic grade 7 classes from Rosetown Central High School.

Chelsea Billet, grade seven ELA teacher, contacted the station early last week in hopes to bring her students into the station for a first hand presentation on what working in a radio station looks like. Billet said, "Our ELA seven class is learning about the news, how to read it effectively, and how to analyze it." We at Golden West were more then excited to welcome the grade seven class and show them a little bit of what we do here in a day.

Students were first introduced to our upstairs team and learned the important roles they play in making sure that the station is running as smoothly as possible. From our receptionist, who directs calls and keeps us up to date on all local events happening in and around the community to our sales and traffic persons who generates business and uploads key information into our system.

Students then went downstairs to see where the on air magic happens. The grade sevens where broken down into two smaller groups and rotated between our news and control room. In each room students learned about what each space was used for and got to participate in recording weather or be apart of the interview process.