A hitchhiking robot called a “hitchbot” has been traveling across Canada and recently spent time in Kindersley and is now in Kerrobert. This hitchbot is one of 22 robots created by grade 4 and 5 students from Erin Woods School in Calgary.

These hitchbots were named after and inspired by the first known hitchbot built by Ontario researchers which hitched rides from Halifax to Victoria in 2014.

The students took on the hitchbot project to gain a deeper understanding of what being Canadian means.

While in Kindersley, the hitchbot got a tour of the town from the Kindersley Youth Committee. The students took him to gym class, the curling rink, out for supper, and various other popular places in town.

Each hitchbot has a bucket list, so the Youth Committee helped the Hitchbot check off some of the list in Kindersley.

The students took Hitchbot to band class.

The Hitchbot also wanted to see some hockey.


Kindersley Youth Committee Supervisor Michelle McMillan talked about the student's experience with the hitchbot.

The handmade robots have gone as far east as Prince Edward Island and many places in between. The hitchbots are now hitchhiking back home to Calgary.