In the most recent report of calls provided by the Rosetown RCMP it was revealed that members of the Rosetown Traffic Services stopped a vehicle on Highway 7 near Harris. The driver was in possession of illicit cannabis, and was issued a ticket under the provincial Cannabis Control Act. Fines under the Act range from $250 to $2500.

Other highlights from the report include:

  • Members of the Rosetown RCMP, Fire Department and EMS attended a scene of a 2 vehicle collision on August 2. An SUV and Semi were following a volks wagon van, which slowed down and pulled over top the shoulder. The driver of the SUV braked abruptly and was rear-ended by the Semi, who did not have enough time to slow down. The occupants of the SUV sustained none life threatening injuries and where transported to hospital. The matter is still under investigation.
  • On August 2 Rosetown RCMP stopped and checked a vehicle on Highway 7 near Rosetown. The driver displayed signs of impairment and was returned to the local detachment. While there he provided breath samples. The 61 year old Kindersley man was charged with Impaired Driving and Driving while over .08. His first court appearance has been scheduled for October 10th in Rosetown.

During the week of August 1st to 7th members of the Rosetown RCMP also dealt with 12 calls of Assistance to the General Public, 2 False 911 calls, and 4 erratic driving complaints. All together the Rosetown RCMP and Traffic Services issued 98 tickets.