According to the Government of Saskatchewan, the Ministry of Environment, working with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), prevented invasive mussels from hitching a ride from the U.S. into Saskatchewan at the end of March, marking the first discovery of aquatic invasive species (AIS) at a boat inspection in the province this year.

Members at the port of Regway identified a high risk boat owned by a Canadian. The ministry was notified, and because travelers were required to self isolate following a border crossing, the boat was sealed to be inspected at a later date. Conservation officers found invasive mussels inside one of the boat’s storage compartments during the scheduled inspection. The ministry’s fisheries staff decontaminated the watercraft to ensure that it no longer poses a threat.

“This discovery really highlights the level of co-ordination it takes to ensure that Saskatchewan waters are protected from aquatic invasive species,” Environment Minister Dustin Duncan said. “Saskatchewan works closely with partners from other jurisdictions, including the CBSA, and it’s always gratifying when our co-operation is able to achieve a positive result like this one.”

It is believed the invasive species was picked up by an anchor, and serves as a reminder for boaters to carefully inspect boat accessories like anchors, ropes, buoys, and the compartments where they are stored.

AIS are plant, animal and invertebrate species that threaten our waterways and can damage aquatic habitat, fisheries, valuable recreational resources and important power generation, irrigation and municipal water infrastructure. AIS is near impossible to eliminate from a body of water, cost millions to manage, and in Saskatchewan it is unlawful to transport invasive mussels or other prohibited species, dead or alive.

To report aquatic invasive species, call the 24-hour SASKTIP line at 1-800-667-7561