Purple pansies for pancreatic cancer is done for another year. Thursday was delivery day for the pretty flowers, as Pam Kosolofski and the rest of the crew began handing out their some 2000 four-packs.

Kindersley was the first day, before making deliveries to Eston and Rosetown. Less purple pansies than usual made their way around the region, but it was still a successful venture, as Kosolofski talked about another year of carrying out the campaign.

"I have been doing it for twelve years. Last year was a bit better than this year, we sold 2748 four-packs, and this year we got 2604." said Kosolofski on the slight dip. "They are very beautiful purple pansies, neon pansies that Oyen Greenhouse grows just for this fundraiser.

The money for Pancreatic Cancer Canada is nice, but Kosolofski's main goal every year is to build awareness.

"Every year it gets a little better, covers more people, and gives them some insight into pancreatic cancer, which I never knew anything about when my husband died from it."

For anyone who missed out and could be interested in the flower sale next year, Kosolofski assures them the flowers are a welcome addition to any garden.

"Of course they are. They are beautiful. I always have my deck covered in pots of purple pansies."

The total amount raised should be somewhere in between the past two years. Two years ago the fundraiser raised about $11,000, and one year ago they collected $13,000.