The Kindersley and District Arts Council (KDAC) is running their Fall/Winter 2016-2017 season with a number of enticing performances on the way.

Things kicked off with a performance from Newfoundland duo Fortunate Ones on Friday, October 21st. They filled the theatre of the Norman Ritchie Community Centre with their heartfelt tracks and entertaining banter during their live show. Ultimately, the performance left attendees with smiles on their faces.

President of KDAC Delee Decap was very happy with the outcome of the council's first event for the season. "[Fortunate Ones] had a really good rapport with the audience," said Decap. "I thought it was a show where all ages could appreciate it."

This will not be the last chance for residents to check live shows in the Kindersley during the season.

Nine more performances are scheduled over the next few months which includes a performance from British Columbia trio Lion, Bear, Fox on Friday, November 5th. Every autumn, members of KDAC attend an event named "Showcase" where they see all the available acts as a Saskatchewan Arts Council. "I believe we would've seen roughly 15 [acts], and then we chose 10," mentioned Decap. "It's over a weekend and it's a lot of work with late nights and early mornings. But, we feel it is all worth it."

She added how some of the shows could sell out before the night of the performance, and people should consider purchasing their tickets ahead of time if they are interested. Tickets will be available at the door for shows which have not sold out.

Residents can purchase tickets ahead of time online at or in-person at LaBelle Boutique, Integra Tire, and Lela's Music Centre.