The swimming season at the Kerrobert Swimming Pool will be over after today's final swim.

Kerrobert Recreation Director Marli Shepherd shared the news after we checked in to see how the end of the season was going.

The pool closing for the season also meant the Park Program is done for the year. Previous rec director Bobbi Hebron, along with pool manager Montana Kissick were the ones who did most of the planning for the summer.

The duo wouldn't have been able to plan the different fun events without the great effort from the rest of their team. Local businesses helping sponsor and even spark events was a great help as well.

The pool is only closing due to said staff going back to school. The Town is always forever grateful for students help during the summer, and hope to see them return next year.

As mentioned a final free swim helped close things out. Shepherd knows they were appreciated throughout the past couple of months.

"Our free swims were some of the busiest days at the pool. Weather and pool temperature are always a major determining factor. We just got the boiler fixed on the big pool and since then the pool has been busier."

The boiler was an important fix this summer. With warm season coming to an end there has been a change in focus for Shepherd and the recreation department.

"The shift is starting to happen. We are hoping for another successful season at the rink. We have completed 2 major projects at the rink," began Shepherd, "We replaced one of our compressors, and the second project was board repairs. We replaced 16 sheets of puck board and did some welding on the boards as well."

Shepherd had this to share for anyone who think it's a little early to be talking about hockey.

"We are having a tree planting event at the Fairgrounds on September 20th. We have a bunch of new trees coming in and are excited to get a tree plan established for the community."

Shepherd also mentioned the Harvest Festival running October 6-8. The details are still being worked out as more on that can be expected later this fall.

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