The Government of Saskatchewan’s Crown petroleum and natural gas public offering held on April 2 presented a report highlighting over 15 million in revenue for the province. 

The Kindersley area generated almost $250,000.

Estevan area brough in the most for the province with over 13 million dollars for 84 leases and two exploration licenses, covering almost 10 thousand hectares. 

The second most was Lloydminster area which brought in just under a million and a half dollars generated from 32 leases totaling almost 5 thousand hectares. 

Leases are at max 2 by 2 miles squared on a 5 year term on crown land.  

Exploration licenses on the other hand are incentivized to drill as deep as possible and can take up the size of a full township.  

When the company is no longer producing, the land is then returned to the crown. 

The money generated is put back into the province to fund roads, schools or any other projects needed. 

More information on the program can be found here.