Kinder Kollege held a small meeting with business owners to discuss and show the progress toward the facility, what is still needed and how they can help make this a reality. 

At Kinder Kollege it has become a regular occurrence to have to turn families away due to the months if not years waiting time for spaces to open. 

The facility aims to provide a specially curated building for children, that maximizes use of all space while accommodating for the unique challenge of child safety. There will be room for 90 childcare spaces as well as 30 before and after care spaces as well. 

There will be a full commercial kitchen, pantry and laundry on site. 

Each room will also have access to the outdoors and play areas specific to the age group to keep everyone safe and happy. 

Kids Academy aims to provide enough space for new families to come into the community to help build up both the economy and the population for Kindersley and area. 

This won’t replace the existing Kinder Kollege but become a sister center, providing an extension of services rather than replacing them. 

The fundraising goal for the project is 3 million dollars and, in a release, they lay out a strategy which includes: 

  • Canvassing contributions from strategic partners 
  • Local businesses 
  • Applying for all applicable grants 
  • Community fundraising events and 
  • Promoting general community giving. 

Kinder Kollege are also looking at multiyear commitments with any business or individuals. 

At the time of reporting, Kinder Kollege is looking for title sponsors for 

  • The building 
  • The Main Hall 
  • And 10 individual room sponsors 

Kinder Kollege Team

For more information contact the Kids Academy Fundraising Team 

Stephen Conway 306 430 7285 

Patrick Brick 306 430 4145 

Monique Neigum 306 512 8227