The Fire Ban which has been in effect in Kindersley for the past 20 days has been cancelled. 

On May 4th, 2016, a fire ban was put in effect by the Town of Kindersley for all open flame fire, fire pits, and fireworks.  The ban was for within the geographic boundaries of the Town of Kindersley. 

Quoting recent rainfall as the result for the cancellation, the Province's Spatial Fire Management System Fire Hazard Rating was downgraded from "Extreme" to "Low" as of May 24th, 2016.

For some the cancellation may have come a few days too late with the passing of the Victoria Day Long Weekend, however rainfall has been a welcome sight for most, helping with the season's dry conditions. 

The RM of Kindersley has also lifted their fire ban.

To view the Fire Ban Cancellation, go to