The following are highlights from the Kindersley Town Council's second meeting:

Friends of Kinsmen Park Seek Funds

Committee member Tammy Anderson-Jackson approached council to discuss about the project moving forward and seeking financial aid by having council match their funds. FOKP requested the funds be matched in cash value, to which council agreed to on the count of proof for the raised funds.

In addition, councilors and Mayor Rod Perkins thanked the group for all their hard work to improve the park.

Aquatic Centre Discussion

Council dug into the conversation of the Kindersley aquatic centre with administration providing more information on the situation to the newly elected councilors. The group had a lengthy discussion of different avenues council could pursue for the pool, and what options are available.

The largest discussion about the pool dilemma was whether the town should apply for grants with the possibility of extra funding from higher level governments or to start the project as soon as possible.

Mayor Rod Perkins along with councilors have decided to push the advanced details of the conversation until they meet with the Kindersley Pool Fundraising Committee (KPFC).

Council stated how they have extended an invitation for KPFC to present a progress report on their project thus far. The presentation has been put on hold until the committee has gathered information for council.

Sound System for Arena

Mayor Rod Perkins and Chief Administrative Officer Bernie Morton entered into an agreement with Barndog Productions Inc. for a new public address/audio system for the West Central Events Centre.

Other Key Points

  • Local business G-Mac’s request to remove three trees was approved by council. The group have decided the trees shall be removed at the business's own cost and further pay a $1,500 reforestation charge to the Town of Kindersley.
  • The Town of Kindersley’s banking services were given to TD Canada Trust for the next 5 years following an RFP process.
  • Council approved the first reading of Bylaw 01-17, which consists of removing the portable sign license for commercial properties owning their own portable sign.
  • A decision by the previous Council regarding denying the contract extenstion with Open Camp Lodge was overturned. Council directed the Mayor Perkins and C.A.O. Morton to extend their contract for three years.