UPDATE: Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 10:30 AM

The totals are in for the bottle drive. $4238 was the number announced during the Kobra Football Parents Association meeting on Wednesday.

Read more from the bottle drive itself below, and find comments from Secretary of the association Andrew Long.

ORIGINAL: Monday, May 13, 2024, 12:00 PM

The Kindersley Kobras football team is one step closer to some new equipment after completing another bottle drive on Saturday. Kindersley residents helped out tremendously once again as bottle drive helpers spent over 8 hours on the day collecting, sorting, and re-bagging recyclables.

Half trailer.jpg The early haul on Saturday  

The bottle drive was carried out by players, coaches, and most importantly members of the Kobra Football Parents Association who organized the weekend fundraiser. The group executed a town-wide pickup with great results, after the original call-out for bottles and cans in April.

Team Secretary Andrew Long was part of the bottle drive for the third time over the past few years. Taking a break from all the crusty milk containers for a good cause, Long talked about where the money raised will be going this year. 

"This year, the big thing is new jerseys for the team," began Long. "We need at least 60 new jerseys for a full roster of kids to go for the next sort of ten years, so we need to raise approximately $12,000 to cover a set of jerseys."

The most important piece of equipment on the field is also in the Kobras shopping cart.

"Helmets have an expiry, not everyone realizes that. We have a lot of expired helmets, need to replace a minimum of ten to keep a lineup of players on the field," he continued. "Helmets are another pricey item, kind of $300 a piece, so we need another $3000-$4000 to cover helmets too."

bottle drive_0.jpg The annual fundraiser has been a major support for the Kobra Football Parents Association over the past few years

The crew estimates around the same amount of money as past efforts. Long talked about the importance of those donations over the years.

"Every year we bring in anywhere from $3500, to the best year was over $5000. We are hoping that the bottle drive, by doing the spring and the fall this year for the first time ever, that we can maybe bring in closer to $6000." said Long, as sponsorship is also helping out. "We are using the money from the bottle drive to add to the jersey sponsorships, to cover the full funds." he finished, as they should be totaled by the end of the week.

Full trailer.jpg The KCS Kobras football team should benefit greatly from some hard work on Saturday 

The fundraising doesn't just stop after Saturday. Anyone who wants to continue supporting the team with their recycling can also use the drop-and-go setup at SARCAN, active from now until the end of next season.