Luther Place Outlook just celebrated their 20th anniversary. They started this Senior Care Center 20 years ago when the Outlook  Lounge High Rise was the only long term residence in the area. As of right now, the Lutheran Senior Center has 33 suites and is slowly working through the renovations of the building. Most recently they added new flooring throughout the building and new dining room tables and chairs.

Housing Manager Melanie Harris commented on the upgrades they are working on right now, "We want to keep the building upgraded, so we've already started with several upgrades, interior and exterior upgrades. We are hoping there is a possibility of upgrading to an intermediate care home."

The Luther place currently houses 32 residents.

On November 14th the celebration commenced with 50 - 60 people showing up for the evening.

The Luther Place care home now plans to keep upgrading, creating and providing good quality independent living for people.

The Lutheran place intends on keeping its doors open for many years to come.

The ground breaking ceremony for the Luther Center.