For the second time Saskatchewan teachers have rejected the Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The agreement was voted down by 55 per cent of teachers.

“We take our direction from the membership, and members have spoken. The result of this vote is a message to government and the Saskatchewan School Boards Association that teachers need to see real changes to classroom complexity and compensation,’’  says Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) President Samantha Becotte

‘In feedback from members, we heard clearly that their priorities haven’t been adequately addressed.’

88 per cent of eligible voters cast their vote on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

While the STF received a renewed mandate from teachers to implement sanctions earlier this month, teachers will remain in the classroom as the union has verbally requested that the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee continue to negotiate.

The STF added if job action is required 48-hour notice will be given.

“I appreciate the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee’s willingness to bargain in good faith during the meetings that led us to the tentative deal. I expect that these productive negotiations will continue, and we can return to the table to chart a path towards an agreement that will meet the needs of Saskatchewan’s students and teachers without further interruptions to the school year,” says Becotte.