Saskatchewan Health Authority is looking for volunteers to help with many different programs in the province.

Some of the programs that they actively need volunteers for include: 

Meals on Wheels – picking up and delivering pre-prepared meals to people who need help with getting healthy meals. 

Long-term Care Facility Recreation - going with residents to events out in the community, helping them down to facility spaces to take part in activities, or just generally visiting with residents. 

Information Desk – helping to direct and greet people at the F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital. 

Teen Program – for youth who want to volunteer after school from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., helping to refill water jugs, and assisting patients and nurses. Teens can earn class credit hours.  

The programs all have different time obligations. “It depends on the volunteer activity,” said John Paul Hicke, Volunteer Coordinator with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.  

“For example, the Meals on Wheels program, it’s about an hour volunteer opportunity each time you do it, whereas in our long-term care facilities, it could be 2-3 hours depending on the activity. Even our teen program […] it’s about an hour-long commitment each time they come in.”  

Typically, volunteer positions within the hospital need volunteers between 8:30 until 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, but for people who only have evenings or weekends free, their help would be appreciated in long-term care facilities and with the Meals on Wheels program. 

There are some requirements for volunteers, including providing references, completing an orientation, a criminal record check or vulnerable sector search (depending on the program), and filling out a confidentiality form. 

Any time that you are able to volunteer with SHA is valued, and having volunteers around is a big help to staff at the hospital and long-term care facilities.  

“It's been about a year since we've gotten volunteers back, and the staff are extremely appreciative of the volunteers. And you know, you're not treated as just, you're just an extra body there. You're a person there with meaning to the staff there, and it helps them, you know, focus on some of their more specific work duties," said Hicke. 

For a full list of opportunities or if you have any questions, you can see the SHA website or call John Paul Hicke directly at 306-691-6508. 

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