G3 Canada is adding two new grain elevators to their network of grain handling facilities. One elevator is being built 7km West of Saskatoon on Highway 14, another 5km North of Melville on Highway 10, both along CNN rails. The Saskatoon facility will have a 42,000 metric tonne capacity, while the Melville facility will have a 34,000 metric tonne capacity. Construction on the facilities will start in April and are expected to be done prior to the 2018 harvest.

G3 Canada also has plans to add another seven or eight facilities in Western Saskatchewan and Alberta in the next few years.

Jim Wickett, member of WCWG Jim Wickett, member of Western Canadian Wheat Growers and farmer in the Rosetown area, talked about how these terminals might affect the area, "Anytime you have people fighting for your products, it's a good thing. Competition is always good. I'm glad to see them come in and it won't hurt anything, that's for sure."

Farmer's in the Rosetown area will often travel to Biggar or Swift Current elevators. This means a new terminal in the Saskatoon area could be a viable option for a lot of producers.

Wickett talked a bit more about the company, "They're not a new player, it's the old Canadian Wheat Board so they certainly have the old Rolodex full of customers. In some of their cases, they would have more sales, they just don't have the product. So this will help them that way... As far as farmers, we're seeing re-investments. It's nice to see terminals, elevators, and the space that comes with it, come back out to the prairies. We were seeing a decline in that and now we're building back up, so it's good."