Flights from NewLeaf are tempting for tight-budget travelers

Flight rates around the world may not be the best option for Canadians with the country's weakening dollar.

Canada's newest airline service, NewLeaf Airlines is promising an economical way to travel to secondary destinations in Canada for a low, low fare.

The service has airport access in both Saskatoon and Regina as well as nine supporting locations in the nation, such as Hamilton Ontario, Halifax, Nova Scotia and Kelowna, B.C.

Though the service does offer greatly discounted economy fares -a one way introductory rate ticket to some B.C. destinations cost as little as $89 dollars -there could be more hidden fees than meet the eye.

NewLeaf charges extra for baggage if the parcel is too large to fit under the seat.  

The charge per bag is $25 dollars -if you check it on line.  

Checking a bag at the gate comes with a hefty fee of $75 dollars -a fifty dollar jump.

If you forget to print out your own boarding pass, it is a $10 dollar fee to have one printed out at the ticket counter.

However, all aside, Canadians are confident NewLeaf will stir the Canadian tourist industry and spur the economy with more insular spending, despite the spotted history of success with other Canadian airlines of the past.