A special event was held last weekend in the border town of Macklin, Saskatchewan. As it is one of their national service projects, both the Macklin Kinette Club and Provost Kinsmen Club decided to have a Battle on the Border at Macklin Lake. Due to melting ice and wanting to ensure the safety of the 30 participants, they chose to have them jump into a large water container instead of Macklin Lake. 

Team Alberta came in strong with approximately $7400 in donations. However, Team Saskatchewan came in with over $16,000.  While they are still working on final totals, the passion that the participants generated and the support they received from Saskatchewan and Alberta has resulted in over $30,000 being raised for CF. The same generosity that warms their hearts for TeleMiracle continued to thrive for this CF event as well.

Macklin Kinettes Member Wendy Weinkauf talked about the generosity of all the people who came to support the special event.

"Any event like this, whether it's for CF or anything else, it doesn't happen without volunteers. There is no way we would be as successful as we were without people being willing to open their hearts, open their wallets and support this worthwhile cause. We would also like to thank all of the participants especially, everybody who supported them in their donation. The volunteers we had from the fire department and EMS. We wanted to make sure people were safe and they were willing to do that."

Weinkauf also thanked the communities of Macklin and Provost and the Kin and Kinettes Klubs for their continued support.

"Having just people in the community step up and help us prepare for the meals, prepare the lake and the lake area so we could have roads cleared and a spot for the donated use of their tub. The Kinsmen and Kinettes all over both provinces, the fellow committee who helped organize the Polar Dip, and our own home clubs who supported us in in doing that."

You can still donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Canada by heading to their webpage, or by heading to the Macklin Kinettes Facebook page.