Our Random Acts of Kindness tour continued its way through the west-central region.

This time we decided to thank the boys and girls in blue for all the hard work they do in the region. 

The WestCentralOnline cruiser made its way to the Kindersley Co-op and with a special $25 gift card thanks to Tarnes Electric in Kindersley, the team picked up some Pizza Buns and a vegetable tray and stopped in at the Kindersley Detachment to deliver an early lunch. 

The three officers on duty were very grateful for the gesture and were blown away with the generosity shown. 

https://www.facebook.com/The Kindersley RCMP got an early lunch courtesy of Kindersley Co-op, Tarnes Electric and WestCentralOnline Friday. 

Our Random Acts of Kindness will wrap up next week.