the unexpected fire of Oct. 9 left residents devastated but determined to rebuild the rink



The hockey heart of the Wilkie Community is on the mend.

Since the October 9th fire of the Wilkie Arena last year, the local residents of the town and surrounding community have gathered together to rebuild and restore one of the area's most

treasured recreational facilities.

Graeme Donn of the Wilkie Recreations Department is confident the new arena will be ready in time for this coming October.

Luckily, the insurance coverage is expected to cover the rebuilding  and restoration costs.

Fundraising efforts are being put in to place to procure the necessary building improvements, such as air conditioning and LED light placements.

The overall goal of the community includes putting the finishing touches in to place just in time for the upcoming hockey season.

Despite waiting on a few reports and finalizations, Donn is confident both the curling arena and recreations space will be open before then.