Members of the Lions Club from different locations in Saskatchewan will be gathering in Kindersley to offer information to residents.

The information night will be the second of its kind to occur in Kindersley this year in the hopes of starting a new club in the municipality. The first session was held back in March.

Lions Club members from southern communities in the province will contribute to the information event for 7:00 PM on May 4th in Room 115 at the Kindersley Inn. Residents will have the opportunity to ask questions about the organization or show interest starting a club back in the town.

There is some positive news for residents hoping the club will make a comeback in the future. Members who helped organize the first meeting have already reported some interest has been shown to bring the club back to Kindersley. The club will need a minimum of 20 members to be chartered, but a smaller group could potentially create a branch club. A branch club would be affiliated with an existing club and could then be sponsored.

The original Kindersley Lions Club was chartered on March 21, 1956 when it was originally sponsored by Rosetown. The Kindersley Lioness Club was incorporated into the organization towards the end of 1981 along with the Alsask Lionesses.

Although, both clubs would eventually fold in the coming decades. The Kindersley Lionesses folded in 1995, and the town's Lions Club would terminate 8 years later.