The latest crop report for the west central region is in... and producers have been busy. In the previous report end dated on May 11th producers were reporting 23% of seeds were in the ground. Overall the province was reporting below the seasonal average at 18% completed.

This week the provincial number has jumped to a whopping 51%. In the west central region here producers are reporting 59% completed. The Rosetown to Kindersley corridor is reporting the highest level of completion at around 69%. Crops extension specialist John Ippolito says he's even seen some crop begin to sprout.

“I noticed some cereals yesterday (Tuesday) that were in the one leaf stage. That is the earliest stuff that I’ve seen. We’ll see a lot more over the next ten days.”

The reports numbers were end dated on May 18th, just before some much needed moisture moved into the region. According to Ippolito the region hadn't seen any significant moisture since April.

“We really haven’t had significant precipitation of any kind since the first ten days of April when we had some snow.”

If seeding trends continue, the region's May moisture managed to fall when producers were 75%-80% completed. With the forecast ahead it's likely a vast majority of producers will be completed seeding before the end of May.