Jason Hintze was able to participate in the 2017 STARS Rescue on the Prairies Fundraiser event just last week on Thursday.

They take on six participants across the province to be involved and it's 100% fundraising. In order for STARS to operate their two bases each year, it costs $10 million dollars per base, which means they need to come up with $20,000,000 a year in order to meet their goal.

Hintze's goal and the other five participants goal was to raise half a million dollars to be a part of the cause, and they accomplished their goal. Members from the STARS program showcased some of their talents with special contests throughout the day to show exactly what they can do in front of an audience.

Hintze was able to raise his money through group efforts with Western Sales with Barbecues in Rosetown, Elrose, Biggar, Davidson, Outlook and Central Butte and there were several individual donations given through customers and other parties who have a strong appreciation for the STARS program.

Jason's group was able to raise $134,000 of the half million dollars which proved to be one of the major donations of the six groups.

Donations will continue to be made available until the end of the upcoming week.

Hintze truly believes that the service of STARS is essential to have in the province, and many of his supporters share the same belief. This is the second year that Western Sales has been involved in the fundraiser, and have agreed to be a part of it again for the next five years.

Hintze had this to say about how local members in the West Central Region benefit from STARS.

"It's a good deal. We're 100% behind STARS. It's a service that we need and it's good for everyone in the region, and also the entire province."

Hintze was able to learn a lot from his experience being involved in the fundraiser.

"It was a real eye opener for myself, I learned a lot about the air ambulance service. It is a first class organization who continue to do good things."