The Ancient Echos Intrepretive Centre In Herschel are known for creating unique presentations that have helped teach many people in the province about our ancestors and their way of life.

On the weekend, the Intrepretive Centre welcomed citizens to learn about chair yoga, stone mandalas, and get Zen with meditation.

The classes were taught by Jeni Mayer, who is a teacher in chair yoga, and has many special talents to display. Around 50 people attended the classes to take the time to relax, and learn more about chair yoga.

Members of the class were given the chance to create their own stone mandalas, which turned out to be masterpieces.

Learning about the Art of Zen is something that isn't regularly taught in this part of the world, however, it's places like Intrepretive Centre that makes opportunities like this possible. Ancient Echo's will continue to hold unique classes that allow people to try out different things.