As of February 27, Saskatchewan does not have any confirmed cases of the coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, and the risk to Canadians remains low.

The risk to Canadians planning to travel abroad is also relatively low, but will vary depending on the destination. The Public Health Agency of Canada is closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in other countries.

“The number of countries that have confirmed COVID-19 cases continues to grow,” Saskatchewan Ministry of Health’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said. “While the risk to residents travelling abroad remains low, people travelling to and from affected areas should monitor for fever, cough and difficulty breathing for 14 days after travel. If you have these symptoms, contact HealthLine 811 for assessment and direction.”

All travellers should be aware that there are health risks when you travel. Increased health screening measures at points of entry for international destinations, including airports should be expected when travelling as well.

As research and data on COVID-19 continues to grow and evolve, advice for travelers will be updated based on the latest science available.