The Redemption Baptist Church in Kindersley will be busy headed into the weekend. At 7:00 on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the Kindersley church will be hosting gospel meetings with evangelist Dave Sommerdorf. 

Pastor Scott Holloway shared the news earlier in June, and was happy to dive more into their special visitor and topics at hand.

"We are going to be having the meetings June 20-23 at the church, 419 5th Ave W." said Holloway introducing the speaker. "My wife's father pastored a church on Oak Harbor, Washington for about 30 years. There's a naval base there. Dave Sommerdorf was serving with the U.S Marines, and he ended up getting posted there so he trained under my wife's dad. Been a friend of the family." said Holloway as the friendship has continued to flourish some 18 years after the original connections passing.

Holloway then shared that Sommerdorf has his own evangelist ministry. He's a guest they have been waiting to get on stage since COVID.

"Had him on the schedule to come sooner... but that had to be postponed. There's generally a bit of a waiting list to be able to get him again, but we got him rescheduled for this year so it has finally come around." said Holloway, moving into what people in attendance can expect. "His focus with a lot of his messages are just to help individuals and families."

Pairing his decade long experience running the ministry with his marine background, Holloway is looking forward to sharing Sommerdorf's story inside his own parish.

"Sometimes a person has maybe a stereotypical idea of what a marine is... That's still part of his identity obviously, but he's not some kind of gruff person, he's very kind and very direct, and what he shares is very practical. So we figured it would be a blessing for our church family, but we also wanted to make it broader for the community as a whole. Knowing him, we know that they will enjoy hearing him, and be able to get quite a lot out of his messages." said Holloway who is looking forward to hearing the teachings himself.

Each evening will also dedicate some time before the speech for singing. Each night of speaking will have it's own meaning, but Holloway shared that the biggest piece of the visit will come during their regular service on Sunday. Sommerdorf is helping them bring in a special anniversary.

"We decided that we would also be celebrating our 15th anniversary as a church. It's typically the last Sunday of March, but we thought we might as well push the celebration back a bit more since we are having these meetings."

The busy week begins tonight at 7:00 PM, and Holloway also shared that following the main service on Sunday will be a potluck supper for everyone to enjoy.