Over the coming weeks you'll notice some farm machinery on grid roads and highways. Local grain producers will be putting in long days as they bring in the harvest. 

Even though it's more likely to see a combine on a gravel road, it also makes things more difficult. Grid roads are narrow and there's less room to pass.

Each year there's a small number of collisions between road traffic and farm equipment. When travelling at highway speeds you'll come up on farm machinery quickly. Just a simple distraction, like looking at your phone, can cause a collision and possibly cause an injury.

Tips we can offer:

  • Don't pass until it's safe. You are better off following for a while.
  • Don't follow too close as you may be in the farmer's blind spot.
  • Be aware that machinery may not have turn signals. 
  • This equipment is likely going from field to field. So hang back, relax, enjoy the grasshoppers. 

SGI offers some excellent tips for today's drivers. Just Drive.