We'd like to welcome to the WestCentralOnline team, Nick Cooper! Nick is excited to be a part of everything local in the area and will be providing great content across the board. Let's get to know Nick with a little bit of who he is.


"Hello! I am Nick Cooper (I go by Nicholas only when I’m in trouble)  

I graced this world in December 1994 in Ontario, where my nomadic military/policing family took me to many places across Canada and finally settling on a small farm north of Saskatoon. I grew up with 2 horses, dogs and cats and a brother who is the complete opposite of me. 

I was one of those kids that got in trouble for talking all the time in class so it's quite fitting that i would find myself joining the team. Honestly, I feel like a kid who just got the golden ticket to the chocolate factory. (Except this factory has proper safety protocols and relies on a well-trained work force.) 

I don’t take life to seriously thanks to my family continually dueling in sarcasm and wit. I can be serious though only when the time calls for it. I can’t wait to get to know all of you in the community, so don’t be afraid to say hello whenever or wherever you see me."